October 10, 2016

Me Before You..

This is me before children. 

And I miss her.

This girl doesn't yet know how to function on a few years sleepless nights due to endless hungry nursing,teething and sick babies. She doesn't understand that she will never pee in peace again.She doesn't know what it feels like to have her need met last,if at all.

She doesn't know how hard it is to teach little people with big spirit who are even smarter and more stubborn than she is.She also doesn't know that her heart has the capacity to grow 5x bigger than its normal size.She will love deeper,pray harder and become stronger.

I want to hug her and tell her to enjoy and capture every moment. Don't be so caught up in being a mom that you forget the young and carefree woman you were before children.

What would you tell yourself before children?

p/s: Even though i miss her, i wouldnt want to go back. I just cant imagine my life without my dearie Aidan and Daris! 

Lots of love,

September 29, 2016

Nichole Nordeman - Slow Down (Lyric Video)

This song make me cry every single time! Somehow deep in my heart it saddens me for not have the luxury to be stay at home mom and take care of my kids.. Allah knows best! 
To Aidan and Daris, please slow down boys..dont grow up too fast! 

"Slow Down"

Here's to you
You were pink or blue
And everything I wanted
Here's to you
Never sleeping through
From midnight till the morning
Had to crawl before you walked
Before you ran
Before I knew it
You were trying to free your fingers from my hand
'Cause you could it on your own now somehow

Slow down
Won't you stay here a minute more
I know you want to walk through the door
But it's all too fast
Let's make it last a little while
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly
I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can somehow
Slow down

Here's to you
Every missing tooth
Every bedtime story
Here's to Barbie cars, light saber wars
Sleeping in on Sunday
Had to crawl
Before you walked
Before you ran
Before I knew it
You were teaching me
The only thing love can
Hold hands through it
When it's scary, you've got me

Slow down
Won't you stay here a minute more
I know you want to walk through the door
But it's all too fast
Let's make it last a little while
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly
I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can somehow
Slow down

Please don't roll your eyes at me
I know I'm embarrassing
But someday you'll understand
You'll hold a little hand
Ask them if they can

Oh oh ho oooh
'Cause it's all too fast
Oh oh ho oooh

I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can
Slow down
Slow down

September 26, 2016

Kenapa tuntutan (claim) PruBSN Takaful anda tidak diluluskan?


Haaa..ni memang topik hangat! Banyak komen kata syarikat-syarikat insurans ni susah nak claim bagai... Macam post yang lepas, kalau semua borang lengkap dan tiada penipuan berlaku, memang selalu tiada masalah untuk lulus. Tapi harini saya nak senaraikan sebab -sebab utama, kenapa tuntutan tidak dapat diluluskan!

1. Policy Lapsed
Policy lapsed ini bermaksud, policy tidak berkuatkuasa akibat daripada tiada bayaran dibuat kepada akaun takaful tersebut. Sekiranya perkara ini berlaku, syarikat insuran tidak akan membayar segala claim yang dibuat. Perkara ini semua orang tahu. Jadi, jangan sampai policy kita lapsed!
Satu lagi, kalau policy dah lapsed, walau pun kita hidupkan balik, kena tunggu 30 hari grace period semula. Kalau client sakit dan perlukan rawatan (kecuali kemalangan) pada masa grace period tu,  tak boleh claim

2. Manfaat tiada didalam jadual policy
Tanggungjawab client untuk mengetahui apa yang ada dalam jadual policy. Jangan percaya bulat-bulat ejen anda kata..bukan lah kata ejen menipu, tapi agak sukar nk jelas kan satu per satu yang ada dalam buku polisi. Client pon selalu malas nak dengar jugak..Baik baca sendiri.
Sebagai contoh, kalau polisi yang di beli kita hanya boleh claim BIL HOSPITAL … maka hanya bil perubatan sahaja boleh di tuntut. Elaun tunai harian, elaun-elaun lain yang tidak di catat dalam buku polisi tidak boleh di tuntut.
Jadi kesimpulannya, tak de manfaat dalam polisi memang tak boleh nak claim.

3. Pengecualian (Exclusion)
Pengecualian ini terdapat 2 bahagian.
A. Pengecualian Umum (General Exclusion)
Pengecualian yang dikenakan oleh semua orang yang ambil polisi sama ada lelaki, atau perempuan, sihat atau sakit. Contoh, pengecualian tuntutan akibat apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan bersalin, ibu mengandung, keguguran bayi, komplikasi akibat mengandung dan sebagainya…(kecuali polisi tersebut memang ada perlindungan khas seperti Takaful Puteri dari PRUBSN Takaful).
B. Pengecualian Khusus (Specific Exclusion)
Pengecualian jenis ini adalah dikenakan oleh individu tertentu yang biasanya telah mengidap penyakit tersebut sebelum mengambil polisi insurance/takaful atau dinamakan “Pre-Existing Condition”
Contoh, individu tersebut telah menjalani rawatan membuang ketumbuhan (cyst) pada bahagian tumbuh beliau dan apabila beliau mengambil polisi, ada kemungkinan apa-apa penyakit yang berlaku akibat cyst sama ada secara langsung atau tidak, tidak akan dilindungi. Sedangkan, bagi individu yang sihat semasa mereka mengambil polisi dan penyakit itu berlaku selepas daripada polisi berkuatkuasa, ia akan dilindungi.

4. Non-Disclosure
Sekiranya syarikat mendapat tahu yang client pernah sakit atau pernah dapatkan rawatan tetapi tidak dinyatkan didalam borang cadangan (proposal form), syarikat berhak untuk tidak membayar tuntutan anda. Jadi, kita kena declare semua soalan yang ditanya dalam borang cadangan bagi mengelakkan daripada polisi anda dibatalkan atas sebab Non-Disclosure.

5. Waiting period (tempoh menunggu)
Tidak semua manfaat dilindungi sebaik sahaja polisi berkuatkuasa (inforced). Ada yang memerlukan 30 hari, 60 hari dan 120 hari polisi berkuatkuasa, baru manfaat dilindungi. Terutamanya medical card.
Berikut adalah contoh tempoh menunggu bagi Plan Prudential atau Prudential BSN Takaful.


Tips untuk anda. Perkara penting yang anda perlu tahu sekarang  adalah, waiting period untuk penyakit-penyakit specifik iaitu 120 hari selepas polisi berkuatkuasa.
Senarai penyakit spesifik adalah seperti berikut.
-Batu karang di dalam sistem kencing atau hempedu
-Hipertensi atau Penyakit Kardiovaskular (kecuali serangan jantung)
-Diabetes Mellitus
-Semua jenis ketumbuhan, cyst, polips atau kanser (barah)
-Pembedahan sinus, septum hidung atau tonsil
-Hernia, buasir atau fistula
-Endometriosis atau difungsi pendarahan uterin

Macam mana perkara ini biasa terjadi, sebabnya, ada kalanya kita ingin mengambil polisi insurance berfikir panjang sehingga berminggu-minggu atau berbulan-bulan. Kemudian, kita ambil polisi, sekali kena penyakit spesifik yang dinyatakan di atas, tak boleh nak claim. Sebab tidak cukup tempoh menunggu. Seterusnya ini akan jadi salah satu punca client marah dan tak percaya kepada insurance/takaful. Sedangkan mereka boleh elakkan perkara ini daripada berlaku dengan bertindak lebih awal. Tapi, kalau dah bertindak lebih awal dan terjadi juga, tak boleh nak buat apa, sekurang-kurangnya kita dah berikan yang terbaik kepada diri kita atau pun keluarga kita.
Jadi, sebagai pemegang polisi anda bukan sahaja perlu tahu apa yang dilindungi, tapi juga apa yang tidak dilindungi!


yang benar,
your takaful advisor
PruBSN Takaful Bhd

diolah dari : https://mie8777.wordpress.com/claim/

September 25, 2016

Cara membuat tuntutan dari PruBSN Takaful Bhd (Claim Process)

Ada beberapa cara untuk membuat tuntutan takaful PruBSN anda mengikut kondisi-kondisi tertentu.. Saya senarai kan 7 tuntutan yang biasa di buat oleh pemegang-pemegang polisi.
Saya mahu tekan kan, sila pastikan borang- borang perubatan yang penting sentiasa sudah bercetak di dalam simpanan anda. Ini bagi memudah kan doktor yang merawat mengisi borang tersebut dan tidak perlu menunggu borang tersebut di hari- hari akhir anda discharge dari hospital. Doctor kan sibuk sentiasa :)
Anda boleh mendapatkan borang - borang tersebut melalui ejen, di laman PruBSN sendiri atau di mana-mana cawangan Prudential seluruh negara.
Setelah lengkap semuanya, anda boleh lah serah kan kepada ejen anda atau ke kaunter Prudential sendiri. 

1- Claim Hospital Alliance Services (HAS
Anda hanya perlu menunjukkan kad kesihatan anda di panel hospital. Perkhidmatan Hospital Alliance Services (HAS) iaitu claim online terus dari hospital ke PruBSN, anda tidak perlu membayar bil terlebih dahulu, tetapi ia akan hanya berkuatkuasa pada bulan ke 4 bermula dari tarikh polisi (tarikh pada medical card). Deposit hospital masih perlu di bayar mengikut kadar hospital tersebut.
Untuk 3 bulan pertama dari tarikh polisi, Client perlu membayar dahulu bil dan caj perubatan sekiranya dimasukkan wad tidak kira sama ada masuk hospital panel atau tidak. Kemudian, semua laporan perubatan, bil dan resit asal pembayaran perlu diserahkan kepada PruBSN untuk bayaran semula (reimbursement). Segala tuntutan penyakit akan diluluskan berdasarkan tempoh menunggu.
Namun, sekiranya client dimasukkan ke hospital Panel PruBSN disebabkan kemalangan parah, HAS boleh digunakan terus tanpa menunggu 3 bulan. Diingatkan,hanya kemalangan sahaja.

Sekiranya terdapat sebarang masalah, anda perlu menelefon ejen anda dengan segera. Sebagai langkah bijak, anda dinasihatkan untuk memaklumkan kepada ejen yang anda dimasukkan ke hospital. Ini bagi membolehkan ejen anda sentiasa dalam keadaan bersedia sekiranya berlaku sebarang masalah ketika masuk atau keluar hospital.

2- Reimbursement Claim (Bayar dulu, Claim kemudian)
Sekiranya anda masuk ke hospital yang bukan Panel PruBSN, anda juga boleh menuntut bayaran bil hospital, akan tetapi, semua bil tersebut perlulah diselesaikan terlebih dahulu, dan barulah anda tuntut ke PruBSN.
Saranan saya, sebelum discharge keluar dari hospital, pastikan borang-borang laporan perubatan yang perlu diisi oleh doctor yang merawat sudah di cetak.
Anda boleh mendapatkan borang - borang tersebut melalui ejen, di laman PruBSN sendiri atau di mana-mana cawangan Prudential seluruh negara.

3- Claim Elaun Hospital / Elaun ICU & Elaun Bedah tanpa claim bil (Bil claim dari syarikat majikan atau insurans lain)
Sekiranya majikan anda menyediakan perlindungan perubatan untuk anda, anda boleh menuntut semua elaun yang layak (Elaun Hospital, Elaun ICU, Elaun Bedah, Elaun MC disebabkan kemalangan) kecuali bil rawatan.
Caranya mudah sahaja, pihak PruBSN hanya perlukan laporan perubatan daripada Doktor yang merawat anda dan salinan bil perubatan bagi tujuan pengesahan bilangan hari dan jam anda ditahan di wad. Salinan ini penting kerana sekiranya anda ditahan diwad selama 2 hari dan 6 jam atau lebih, anda layak untuk mendapat elaun hospital berdasarkan 3 hari.
Saranan saya, sebelum discharge keluar dari hospital, pastikan borang-borang laporan perubatan yang perlu diisi oleh doctor yang merawat sudah di cetak.
Borang laporan perubatan boleh didapati di laman web PruBSN Takaful atau di mana-mana cawangan Prudential seluruh negara.

4- Claim Critical Illness (CI)
Sekiranya anda di diagnos mempunyai salah satu daripada 36 penyakit kritikal, anda boleh membuat tuntutan Critical Illness. 
Saranan saya, sebelum discharge keluar dari hospital, pastikan borang-borang laporan perubatan yang perlu diisi oleh doctor yang merawat sudah di cetak.
Borang laporan perubatan, borang tuntutan critical Illness boleh didapati di laman web PruBSN Takaful atau di mana-mana cawangan Prudential seluruh negara.

5- Claim Accident (Medical/ MC)
Sekiranya berlaku kemalangan kecil dan anda hanya mendapatkan rawatan diklinik, bil caj rawatan boleh dituntut daripada PruBSN. Dokumen yang diperlukan adalah bil dan resit asal serta sedikit laporan daripada Doktor yang merawat mengatakan bahawa caj perubatan tersebut adalah disebabkan kemalangan. PruBSN akan membayar semula tuntutan tertakluk kepada ko-takaful 10%.
Borang laporan perubatan boleh didapati di laman web PruBSN Takaful atau di mana-mana cawangan Prudential seluruh negara.

6- Claim Kematian Biasa (Natural Death)
Untuk tuntuan kematian, sekiranya bukan disebabkan oleh kemalangan, pemegang polisi yang meninggal dunia tidak semestinya memerlukan bedah siasat. Ini kerana, laporan Doktor yang lengkap boleh digunakan sebagai rujukan berkenaan sebab kematian dan perkara-perkara yang berkaitan.
Sekiranya kematian berlaku, waris hendaklah memaklumkan kepada agent atau PruBSN mengenai perkara yang berlaku. Seterusnya, agent akan menguruskan dari segi penyediaan dokumen dan sebagainya.
Oleh itu, adalah amat penting bagi setiap pemegang polisi, anda dinasihatkan memberitahu adik-beradik atau saudara-mara dan kawan-kawan bahawa anda mempunyai perlindungan takaful dari Prudential BSN Takaful, dan sekiranya berlaku kematian, mereka boleh memaklumkan sama ada kepada ejen atau PruBSN.

7- Claim Kematian Kemalangan (Accidental Death)
Sama keadaannya seperti di atas. Namun, bagi kes kemalangan, biasanya pihak polis akan mengarahkan pihak hospital membuat bedah siasat bagi memastikan kemalangan yang berlaku bukan disebab pemegang polisi berada dalam pengaruh alkohol atau ada unsur-unsur jenayah dan sebagainya.

Sila pastikan semua tuntutan dibuat dalam tempoh yang diberikan mengikut setiap kategori. Anda boleh baca buku polisi anda untuk mengetahui tempoh sebenar.

Yang benar, 
your takaful advisor
PruBSN Takaful

Cara membayar premium PruBSN Takaful anda melalui Maybank2u

Assalammualaikum semua,

Ramai antara rakan-rakan dan klien-klien saya yang masih keliru untuk membayar premium takaful anda secara online. Informasi ini juga berguna untuk pemegang-pemegang polisi PruBSN Takaful Bhd yang sudah tidak mempunyai ejen yang active. Jangan risau..semuanya sangat mudah!

Harini nak kongsi sikit macam mana nak bayar menggunakan Maybank2u.com.my

Step 1 : Buka laman website http://www.maybank2u.com.my/

Step 2 : Pergi ke Accounts & Banking

Step 3: Pilih Bill Payment dari menu di sebelah kiri laman dan pilih Make a one-off payment

Step 4:  Pilih Insurance & Takaful di bahagian category.

Step 5: Pastikan anda memilih Prudential BSN Takaful Bhd

Step 6: Masukkan amount premium dan policy no anda. Pastikan anda double check no policy anda di atas kad kesihatan agar tiada kesilapan berlaku.

Sekian. Semoga informasi in memberi manfaat kepada anda- anda semua!!

Yang benar,

your takaful advisor
PruBSN Takaful Bhd

June 22, 2016

Second Pregnancy : Birth Story

Assalammualaikum lovelies,

How's Ramadan treating you so far ? I hope everyone is doing just fine.Alhamdulillah, baby Daris and I are doing good..or should I say great! He is almost 8 weeks now and chubby than ever! Alhamdulillah,all thanks to Allah SWT for his blessing! The labor& birth process was a quick and smooth one I would say but it could go the other way if we a tad bit late...FYI, this will be a long post with all my rambling!So lets hop straight to the story,shall we?

30 April 2016

I started my maternity leaves for a couple of days already since Tuesday.My plan was to walk around shopping mall all day everyday to kick start the labor but instead I was  busy preparing my "nest" for my soon-to-arrive baby. I washed all the baby's clothes ( I did washed it a few weeks before!), brushed both of our bathrooms, organized our kitchen,vacuuming the floor and all sort of domestic stuffs.Of course I didnt forget to count baby's kick. I noticed he didnt reached 10 kicks by 8 pm. Although I can still felt his movement after that, it was not his usual strong rolls and wiggles . Im a little concern but since we have our 38 weeks appointment with Dr Voon tomorrow, we decided to wait. (Pls dont wait if you were ever in the same situation!!)

31 April 2016

I have my regular weekly (38 weeks) checkup. Eventhough my due date is not for another 2 weeks, I did bring along my hospital bag,just in case. After I mentioned regarding the kick, Dr Voon did a quick VE and sent me up for a CTG test to check baby's heartbeat & uterus contraction.I was only 1-2cm dilated. I guess it's been that way for awhile now. The CTG came out ok. The baby's heartbeat was a bit low, but still in a normal range. Dr Voon suggested for an induction right away to eliminate any harm to the baby.. But after giving it some thoughts and discussed it further with her, we decided to wait and come back if the kicks count is less than 10 again tomorrow.

Did I mentioned, we dont have any birth plan whatsoever? Yes, I opt for a drug free and stress free labour process..but we dont want to pressure ourselves if things didnt go as what we planned :-)

1 May 2016

We went for a jog in the morning around 830 am. Aidan was so excited to jog around the park. Im glad that he did enjoy the jog as he was super clingy and moody for the past couple of weeks. Im sure he knew whats coming :-)

After the jog we went to the pasar pagi for a quick round. I was exhausted but I forced myself to walk!! That is how desperate I am for the labour to start!  Hahah.. (mama dh xlarat bawak perut)...I even bought a mini pineapple and planned to eat it all, which I didnt!

We got back home around 11ish... All of us were extremely tired and we slept! Probably around 1pm I woke up and started to feel a bit of discomfort around my tummy area. I asked Mr Hubs to cut the pineapple for me..you know, to get things started :-) It was not regular..So it doesnt bother me that much.

At 5pm..The discomfort kept on coming and last about 1 minute each round. I thought it was another braxton hicks episodes but those surges doesnt stop. Eventhough it's not painful,I dont want to take a risk knowing our first birth was quite a quick one.

Our worse nightmare  came true when we checked our WAZE. There had been an accident which involved 8 cars on the first Penang bridge! Ohmy! I panicked and even thinking to take the ferry! Our hospital was in Georgetown while we live in Mainland. Mr Hubs said we just need to 'redah' the first bridge once and for all. We started our journey to the hospital around 6 ish pm (after sending off Aidan to his nanny).

My last belly shot a few minutes before we went to the hospital :-)

Contractions was timed while I was in the car.

We arrived at the hospital around 7 ish pm..Alhamdulillah the accident was cleared up! They sent me straight to the labour room on a wheel chair! It was quite weird to have someone pushing you on a chair while you can still walk..but it's ok..no harm done.After changing to the hospital gown,they did a VE and strap me to the CTG machine again. I was around 4-5cm dilated by then. Mr Hubs went to surau for his maghrib prayer.

Around 8.20 pm, Dr Voon came and give me a few options and I opt for her to break my waterbag right away.It was a quick procedure,and POP! There goes my water EVERYWHERE!

And here comes the fun part! The surges become rapidly stronger after the waterbag burst.. And there she was ...one old nurse that keep on bugging me with all kind of questionnaire to complete her form.I was in agony, and she didnt even care -____-  After she completed the form, she had the nerve to ask me whether I needed gas or not???!! And guess what? I said YES!! Haha!! At that point if she ask whether I need epidural or not, or even c-sec I might say yes as well!! Oh my! And happy gas it is! Im not sure whether it helped or not..but it did helped me to keep my hand busy just to hold the gas mask! Mr Hubs was rubbing my back and at the same time reciting surah Yassin beside me. And of course his reading was interrupted everytime the surges started..haha..sorry :-)

Alhamdulillah at 9:13pm, I safely delivered my baby with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck! A cord around the neck is one of many things mothers-to-be fear about childbirth. The thought of my baby being 'strangled' by the umbilical cord was unbelievably scarry. Thats explained the slow movement for the past couple of days...Thanks again to Dr Voon for her fast action. After unwrapping the cord,she put my baby on my tummy and did the suction right away. He was blue for quite sometimes but after they put him on my chest his color slowly turned pink..Alhamdulillah! I couldnt imagine what could happened if I opt to wait again!!

His first photo :-)
Alhamdulillah for the second bundle of joy! 

First photo with tok wan and mama :-)

First photo with tok ki n abg long!

Daris Isa Bin Ahmad Fadhli
May you grow up to be the greatest explorer, young man :-) Mama,baba n abg Aidan love you so very much!

Lots of love,

June 16, 2016

Second Pregnancy : Second and third trimester

Assalammualaikum lovelies,

Both of my chubby bubs are down in their la-la land..so here comes my next post.

Second Trimester

Every pregnancy is different they said, and for me that couldnt be more true. After an extremely nerve wracking moment in the first trimester, second trimester is a little bit calm aside from my never ending morning sickness.bleurghh!The sickness is on going up until 18 weeks, but then it never really goes away completely..I still had the urge to throw up once in awhile,thou.

My belly started to really show around 24-25 weeks. But i still managed to hide it quite well. Just like my first pregnancy, people didnt start to notice my pregnant belly until my third trimester. I dont know i would consider it lucky or not? I still felt the heaviness inside, i still felt tired, i still need to wear maternity trousers but sadly nobody given me any extra treatment as a pregnant lady.. not that i need one, but  they could at least dont rush me when i use the stairs, dont push me in the elevator, or even dont give me the stares when i use mom-to-be parking spot!! enough rant!

Talking about food craving.....My first pregnancy, i am obsessed with cendol, this time i have this weird craving over "ulam"!! i need to have either "daun selum" or " daun ulam raja" with my rice everyday!!! People who knows me well will laugh their hearts out if they know abt this! I am the person who hates all those ulam-ulam,ok. Dont get me wrong, i do love vegetables, but i just cant do "ulam"!! But who knows pregnancy can change you :) No wonder i could get away with GDM (Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) this time around. Healthy much? haha

Third Trimester

During my third trimester, my weight kept creeping up more than usual. I did my blood glucose test the second time in this trimester and the result was clear. I gained more than 2 kgs monthly.. I dont think i ate that much either.I'm freaking out a little bit, so i started my workout routine every evening. It did help me maintaining my weight gain and i think i felt a little more energize after every session. I link those videos down below if any of you interested:



I took 3D/4D ultrasound around 28W at Klinik Dr Nurul Alam Damai,Cheras.70RM/session. Its quite cheap compares to other klinik,but i'm not a fan,sadly... The session took only 10-15 minutes,and they were quite rush during the ultrasound! All in all they still managed to capture a few "ok" photos/video..

And here is a couple of photos by the end of my pregnancy. I did force myself to walk more by this trimester in hope for faster and easy birth. I think it does help a lot!

Ill be sharing my birth story next....Till next post! 

Salam Ramadhan!!!!

Lots of love,

Second Pregnancy: First Trimester Update

Assalammualaikum lovelies,

Salam Ramadhan :)

Alhamdulillah, some of you might have heard that i've just delivered my second baby boo last month... I'm sorry for the lack of pregnancy updates as i'm quite busy with my work and i dont feel like writing any updates. But i did some mental notes to jot down my pregnancy updates so that i might not regret it later in life..haha :)

So here i am, trying to write with one crying baby and tantrum toddler ..sabarrrr! I should have write this earlier -___-

How did we found out?

[TMI alert]

My period was never regular since forever up until i delivered my firstborn. I got back my period after seven months postpartum. Alhamdulillah after the second cycle, i noticed that my period  cycle slowly become regular by month.The cycle length are quite longer from the normal 28-30 days cycle length. But as long as they regular, i'm a happy mama!

Early September 2015, i was feeling a bit off for the whole week. My period was a few days late. But i didnt think much of it as it happened during my last cycle as well. Aidan was sick on and off for almost two weeks by then.On 11/9/15 morning, Aidan's temperature went quite high, so we decided to bring him to the Bagan Specialist Hospital, Penang, and unfortunately he was admited due to Influenza virus. [stay with me guys, still long way to go]

On 12/9/15 morning at the hospital,  I have the urge to take my home UPT test. I brought it in my bag, just in case. To my surprise, i got two strong lines!! You know what thats means, right? I told  Mr .Hubs about it, but i just cant remember his reaction at that particular time..hmmm..not that it's important,right (*roll eyes*)!! On 13/9/15 morning i took home UPT again just to make sure, and we got the same result again ..yeay! Before Aidan's discharged paper ready from the hospital, i decided to give Dr Jason (O&G) a visit (downstairs). After we did the ultrasound thingy, he said i was just around 4 weeks pregnant as he could only saw a small black dot. Alhamdulillah. And thats how we found out :)

Sorry if this picture offend you..but i feel like posting it for my memory :)

Baby No.2 first ultrasound

First Trimester

The most crutial trimester phase ever! I did my pregnancy check up at Klinik Kesihatan Seberang Jaya (KK) and private clinics as well. Dont ask me why i went to both. I did that with my first pregnancy and i will do that until my last, i hope. I am that paranoid, girls! Back to the story, i went to KK around my 8 weeks.i thought everything is going to be ok, like it usually did...but unfortunately during the ultrasound, the MO said that she can only saw the sack but no baby! And the sack was only approximately 4 weeks in size.  I thought around 8 weeks, we can even see the baby's heartbeat (i was freaking out im my head)..She said to come back in two weeks time to see if there is a baby or not.Thats it! No further question asked. The MO and I were both in silence after the ultrasound...

It was the hardest two weeks of my life! I swear! I could not sleep properly the whole week just thingking about the 'what if'. By the end of the second week, we just cant wait any longer! We went to Klinik Dr Nurul,Alam Damai to get our next ultrasound. The Dr took less than a minute to find the baby's heartbeat. Allah SWT is the best planner. ALHAMDULILLAH!  We were both extremely excited more than when we first found out about the second pregnancy :-) 

But at the same time, we dont want to get way toooo excited that early. I havent feeling any morning sickness yet. Just a little bit tired than usual. I should be happy but I read that it is not a good sign,right? (I blame it on Google!)

But by around 11-12 weeks, I started to get frequent bowel movement and windy stomach. And it all started from there up until 18 weeks, I guess! (Amik ko,nak sgt morning sickness)

There was not really much difference physically in the first trimester. I'll continue my second n third trimester in my next post. Stay tuned!

May 30, 2016

Aidan Nuh: 20 things to know about A.N [Happy 2nd Birthday Aidan Nuh]


20 things to know about Aidan Nuh

  1. - 24 months @ 2 years old today
  2. -12.5 kg @ 90cm
  3. -His has a medium size strawberry birth mark on his right leg -second toe.
  4. -He will be all cranky when it comes to his naptime @ bedtime. I cant even handle it!
  5. -But will be all smiley when he wakes up! (only when he sees someone around)
  6. -He loves fruits so much! Banana,dates and orange are definitely top on the list.
  7. -He hates durian! But im sure he'll later realize that it is the best fruit in the whole wide world!haha! Trust me!
  8. -He loves ice cream..but who doesnt? Anything frozen or cold he called it ice cream. Frozen banana make a big hit :-)
  9. -I would say he is a picky eater up until he is REALLY hungry, but his nanny will definitely says otherwise! I dont know how she gets him to eat!
  10. -But sometimes I think he likes fish dishes with rice.. I probably make things up in my mind, but usually he will eats if its fish even only a few bites.
  11. -He loves outdoor/playground! We need to carry him home everytime we bring him to the playground. Sigh!
  12. -He loves ..ermm probably likes (for now) his lil brother Daris. When he hear Daris cry or make some noise, he will run to him n gives gentle pat on Daris tummy...so cute until the gentle pat become more aggressive..sigh!
  13. -Dont get me wrong, jealousy is still there! ! [TMI alert ] Everytime Daris nenen, Aidan will try to interrupt in so many ways. But he will not nenen.It seems like he forgot how to. He did try to nenen for only half a second..haha.. so weird! (dont get me start on more jealousy moments between them)
  14. -He is super friendly with (friendly) people!
  15. -But he is totally scared to go to the dentist! Can anyone suggest any super friendly dentist please?
  16. -I know it's bad to give screen time to the kids..blablabla.. But ive tried to minimize it as much as I could..As for now, Aidan is obsess with all those nursery rhymes songs and Gogo Adventure with English on Youtube.
  17. He loves swimming pool! Love probably a little bit of understatement..haha.. He can play in the water for hours! I probably should send him to swimming class sometimes in the near future :-)
  18. He likes to play with older kids..but older kids usually dont like to play with younger kids..and they will run away from Aidan when he comes to approach them... Kesian dia -_-
  19. Since becoming a big brother,he started to sleep without me having to hug him.. As much as its broke my heart, I knew this day will come. On the bright side, at least I will only have one sore arm every morning instead of both! Haha!
  20. Last but not least, I would say Aidan is a fun, affectionate,loving little person that I have ever meet :-) Love him to bits!

Even though you are no longer  my only child, or even my only son, you will always be my first. You will hold a special spot in my heart forever.

You will always be my firstborn,my best friend, my little sidekick!

Happy 2nd Birthday Aidan Nuh!!!


Mama :)